• Established RisingLeaf
Watershed Arts.
• Painted
mural of the Northern Salinas Valley Watershed, Kammann Elementary
School, Salinas.
• Consulted
on landscape design and school beautification and implemented three
native plant gardens on the
campus of Kammann School, Salinas.
• Created installation, "Water, the Gift
of Life," Day of the Dead Exhibition, National
Steinbeck Center, Salinas.
• Organized
First Annual River of Words Poetry Reading, in partnership with Upwellings
Thunderbird Bookstore, Carmel.
• Sponsored
nature study/landscape painting event for children and families, Ft.
• Sponsored
nature study/landscape painting event for children and families, Carmel
River Lagoon.
• Created and printed greeting cards with watershed/life
affirmation theme.
• Presented
interactive information display, 2002 Earth Day, Earthbound Farms,
Carmel Valley.
• Presented interactive information display,
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Tenth Anniversary
Ocean’s Festival, Custom House Plaza, Monterey.
• Co-organized "Gathering of the Waters" in
partnership with Upwellings Ministry, Carmel Valley.
• Adopted
two miles of Carmel Valley Road for trash clean-up.
• Participated
in Carmel River Watershed Conservancy trash clean-up of Hitchcock
• Initiated
proposal for bike-ride fundraiser.
• Installed "Water: The Gift of Life" for
Altars of the World show, hosted by All Saints Church,
• Wrote monthly articles about watershed health
featured in "Carmel Valley Country."
• Created
drawings for the Carmel River Watershed Conservancy Calendar project.
• Organized
Second Annual River of Words Poetry Reading and Art
Show, in partnership with the Habitat
Project of Carmel Middle School, Thunderbird Bookstore,
• RisingLeaf
granted nonprofit, tax-exempt status.
Produced “Walkabout” watershed art exploration, Hidden
Valley Institute of the Arts, Carmel Valley.
• Organized Second Annual River of Words Poetry Reading
and Art Show, in partnership with the
Habitat Project of Carmel Middle School, Thunderbird
Bookstore, Carmel.
• Organized World Water Day event and Silent Auction,
Hidden Valley Institute of the Arts,
Carmel Valley.
Developed “A Watershed Experience” curriculum and
worked with six fourth-grade classes to create
an Art Creek and establish a native plant garden at Olson
School, Marina, and paint two murals; one at Olson
School and
one at Marina Vista School, Marina. These classes are
made possible through the Cultural Council for
Monterey County, Professional Artists in the Schools
program, Marina Coast Water District and Bob
Miller, Principal of Olson School.
• Raised funds for, created, and published the Carmel
River Watershed Learning Map.
• Wrote monthly articles about watershed vitality featured
in Carmel Valley Country.
Supported Carmel River Watershed Conservancy’s Steinbeck
Watershed Century Bike Ride through
procurement and preparation of organic foods.
• Completed Pilot Storm Drain Stencil Project at the
mouth of Carmel Valley and Mission Fields area.
• Awarded grant from the Fund for the Environment and
the Patricia J. Boles Fund of the Community Foundation
Monterey County for the “Watershed Experience” classes.
Prepared and presented power point on “Living Machines” to
the Central Coast Commercial
Sustainability Network.
• Initiated conversations with the Big Sur Land Trust to establish an ecologically
designed Watershed Arts Center in Carmel Valley.
• Organized First Annual Watershed Festival of Life which included
a talk on “watershed citizenship” given by
Freeman House, author of Totem Salmon, establishing Watershed Hero and
Festival poster awards, and the
Gathering of the Waters Ceremony.
• Organized talk given by Sim Van der Ryn on Ecologically-Designed Housing
and Homes.
• Completed storm drain stenciling project in the Carmel River Watershed.
Taught curriculum “A Watershed Experience” to 70 students from
the J.C. Crumpton School in Marina.
• Organized third annual Palabras Del Rio poetry reading.
• Wrote articles for Carmel Valley Country magazine on watershed health.
• Trash clean-up on Carmel Valley Road.
• Continued conversations with the Big Sur Land Trust to establish a Watershed
Arts Center.
• Researched and prepared power point on sustainably built Watershed Centers
in the United States including research on Islandwood in Bainbridge Island,
• Inspired, through the RisingLeaf Watershed Art Center vision statement,
discussions and feedback, Berkeley Architect Craig Henritzy and his students
at the School
of Architecture-San Francisco Academy of Art University to develop conceptual
ideas for the Watershed Arts Center.
• Presented Watershed
Center research to the Big Sur Land Trust.
Worked with Camp SEA Lab to define scope of sustainably
built “Places for People”, as part of the Big Sur Land
Trust’s Carmel River Parkway Vision Plan process. This information
provided the basis for which the “Environmental Sustainability
Center” concept is included in the Parkway Vision Plan document.
• Inspired, through the RisingLeaf Watershed Art Center
vision statement, discussions and feedback, Berkeley
Architect Craig Henritzy and his students at the School of Architecture-San Francisco
Academy of Art University to develop conceptual
ideas for the Watershed
Arts Center.
Presented “Living Machine” power point to the Green
Party Monterey Bay which was aired on AMP Channel 27
courtesy of Hebard
Worked with the Carmel Middle School WISE student group
(Women in Science and Education) in collaboration with the Big Sur
Land Trust’s Carmel River Parkway Vision process record
through art and poetry how young people want learn
about and experience the
Carmel River and watershed.
• Worked with Debbie Delatour and her students at Martin
Luther King Jr. Academy in Salinas to develop large
painted wood cut-out images and mural piece depicting vegetables for their school
• In collaboration with Deborah Kelly, organized an experiential
hike to Danish Creek in the upper Carmel River
• Organized the Fourth Annual Palabras del Rio poetry
reading featuring poets, storytellers and musicians
from Big Sur, the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Valley and Sonoma.
• Initiated and presented, with the Monterey Peace and
Justice Center, a film series focusing on positive
and inspirational ways people can support watershed health and cultural change.
• Trash pick up along adopted section of Carmel Valley
• Worked with the Monterey Solar Home Tour to establish
the First Annual Sustainability Fair for the Monterey
Bay area.
• Organized the Second
Annual Watershed Festival of Life,
which included Keynote Speaker Stephanie Mills,
presentation of the Second Annual RisingLeaf Watershed Hero Awards, and the
Fourth Annual
Gathering of the Waters Ceremony with Deborah Streeter.